
Welcome to the Gitoin API documentation! This page provides a comprehensive guide to integrating our API with your Roblox applications, enabling you to leverage our platform's features seamlessly.

Steps to Implement

  1. Set Up HTTP Requests Enable HTTP requests in your game settings:

    • Go to Game Settings > Security

    • Enable "Allow HTTP Requests"

  2. Create a Server Script

    • In Roblox Studio, create a new Script in ServerScriptService

    • Copy the provided code into this script

  3. Customize API Details Replace the placeholder values in the script:

    • <CAMPAIGN_ID>: Insert your specific campaign ID

    • <API KEY>: Insert your provided API key

  4. Error Handling The script includes basic error handling. You can expand on this by logging errors or implementing retry logic.

  5. Testing Test the API call in a controlled environment before full implementation.

Send Giftoin Function (Lua)

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local function sendGiftoin(apiUrl, apiKey, dataTable)
    local jsonData = HttpService:JSONEncode(dataTable)
    local headers = {
        ["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
        ["x-gft-api-key"] = apiKey
    local requestDetails = {
        Url = apiUrl,
        Method = "POST",
        Headers = headers,
        Body = jsonData
    local success, response = pcall(function()
        return HttpService:RequestAsync(requestDetails)
    if success then
        if response.Success then
            print("Data sent successfully! Response:", response.Body)
            -- Process response data here if needed
            return true, response.Body
            warn("API request failed. Status code:", response.StatusCode)
            return false, response.StatusCode
        warn("Failed to send data: " .. tostring(response))
        return false, response

local apiUrl = ""
local apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"

Player Join Event

Triggers when user joins the game

This API implementation uses Roblox's HttpService to send player data to an external endpoint when a a player joins the game. Here's a breakdown of how it works:

  1. The script uses the Players.PlayerAdded event to detect when a new player joins the game.

  2. When a player joins, it creates a data table containing the player's Roblox user ID.

  3. The sendGiftoin function is called with this data, along with the API URL and API key.

  4. The function converts the data to JSON format and sends a POST request to the specified API endpoint.

  5. The request includes necessary headers like Content-Type and the API key for authentication.

  6. Error handling is implemented using pcall to catch any issues during the HTTP request.

  7. The script prints success or failure messages based on the API response.

    local dataTable = {
        ["thirdPartyUserIds"] = {
            {["type"] = "roblox",
            ["id"] = tostring(player.UserId)}
    local success, result = sendGiftoin(apiUrl, apiKey, dataTable)
    if success then
        print("API call successful for player:", player.Name)
        warn("API call failed for player:", player.Name, "Error:", result)

Last updated